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  • 10 Health Benefits of Avocado

    Balance Hormones Cancer Fighter Lower cholesterol Boosts eye health Improve digestion Moisturize skin Health Pregnancy Natural Detoxification Promotes weight loos Rich in folic acid

  • 10 Health Benefits of Carrot

    1. Improves Skin. 2. Improves Digestion
    3. Improves Kidney Function
    4. Reduces Incidences of Stroke
    5. Maintains a Healthy Heart, Improves Liver Function, Anti Bacterial & Viral, Great for eye Health, Healty Teeth, Anti Cancer

  • 10 Health Benefits of Broccoli

    1. Anti OxidantBr. 2. Prevents Cancer
    3. Natural Anti-Biotic
    4. Cleanses Intentines
    5. Great Source of Fibre.

  • Green Tea

    Fight Cancer, Lowers Cholesterol, Prevents Cavities, Protect against heart disease, Speeds metabolism, Prevents diabets,Maintains a healthy circulatory system, Strengthens tooth enamel, Prevent Bad Breath, More info.....

  • What is Heart Attack

    A Heart attack is caused when a portion of the heart muscle loses its supply of blood partialy or compeletely More info.....

  • 12 Health Benefits Ground Apple

    Blood Sugar Management, Potential Weight Reduction Resource, Used as natural sweetener, prevention of fatty liver, decreased trigycerides, Prebiotic Consequences, Anti Fungal, Cancer Prevention , Liver health

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